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Maryland: Police arrest man who told victim that needed to provide gold to protect savings; not clear how he was caught or exactly what scam was involved; county says a dozen people have recently lost money in gold in scams

Kansas: Bank CEO who looted bank of $47.1 million as crypto romance victim gets nearly 25 years prison; bank failed

Canada: Ottawa police warn of uptick in scams claiming to be from victim services; tell people they are ID theft victims and must transfer all their money to a “safe” account

There are no “Safe” Accounts:  A wide variety of scams, particularly those that impersonate law enforcement and banks, are claiming that your money is at risk of being stolen by bad actors or seized by a government and that you need to transfer your money to an account where it will be protected.  There is no such thing! Please warn people that anyone that wants you to turn over your money is a CROOK.

Full report here