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Santa Barbara woman whose packages were being stolen from her mailbox sends herself a package with an airtag; when it is stolen police track it and make two arrests  

Minnesota: Two men, one from Montreal, get 90 months and 120 months prison for scam telemarketing magazines to older victims; took in $300 million

How many fraud victims report to the law enforcement or the BBB? The FTC actually looked at this in a nationwide fraud survey, and found that less than 5% of them ever do.  Many are embarrassed, or don’t know where to report.  Victims are more likely to report some fraud than others.  Some don’t even realize that they have been defrauded.  But  this is important, since many of us received complaints and suspect, correctly, that these are just the top of the iceberg.

Review and Recommendation: Civilization, by Niall Ferguson. I’ve previously recommended his book Empire, on how the British Empire developed. In this one he expands on the subject of Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs and Steel to ask why after 1500 the other emerging empires in China, the mideast, and elsewhere didn’t emerge to change the world like Europe did. Very good, and I highly recommend it.

Full Report here