Top Stories
US, Europol take down huge EMOTET botnet, loaded malware with email attachments
The New Yorker: Taking down a dark-web marketplace
New York Times: A visit to India to talk to a scammer about tech support scams located there
Virus benefit theft
- Illinois has stopped 350,000 fraudulent unemployment claims
- More than half of pandemic unemployment claims in Ohio may be fraudulent
- Washington State: Man pleads guilty to PPP and EIDL benefit fraud; took in $700,000
- Santa Barbara: Three plead guilty to ID theft to get unemployment benefits
- London: three bank employees arrested for fraud in getting £6 million in “bounce back” virus business loans
- Los Angeles: Man pleads guilty to $1 million in fraud by getting PPP loans
- California admits $31 billion in virus unemployment benefits may have been stolen by scammers and overseas fraudsters
- Chicago man indicted; had brother who was a letter carrier steal federal virus benefit checks
BBB studies: They can all be found here. There are links below to several topic areas, and there are also studies on puppy fraud, tech support fraud, romance fraud money mules, apartment rental, crooked movers, government imposters, online vehicle sale scams, and rental fraud