THANK YOU. This issue begins the fifth year of the Baker Fraud Report. Thanks for your support. I continue to shocked at the massive amount of fraud perpetrated on the public around the world. And I’m always impressed with the great work being done by law enforcement agencies. Progress has been made, and if we keep working together we can continue to protect people and punish those who wreck lives with fraud.
Top Stories
Many agencies have warned of an increase in scams involving virus vaccines; phishing emails, of course, as well online sales that take your money but don’t deliver. And I would hardly be surprised to see sales of counterfeit vaccines. See this from the FBI
Virus benefit theft
- California suspends 1.4 million unemployment accounts over fraud concerns
- Illinois Attorney General, FBI, and other agencies form working group to deal with virus unemployment fraud
- Chicago: Suburban business man charged with PPP and EIDL fraud; took in $420,000
- Eight million in the US will get their virus stimulus money on a prepaid card
- Oregon: Two charged with PPP and other virus relief fraud; made $10 million
- Louisiana has stopped 100,000 case of unemployment fraud
- Miami, Florida: Nurse charged with $475,000 in PPP and EIDL fraud
- Washington State hiring new fraud manager after $300 million lost to unemployment fraud
BBB studies: They can all be found here. There are links below to several topic areas, and there are also studies on puppy fraud, tech support fraud, romance fraud money mules, apartment rental, crooked movers, government imposters, online vehicle sale scams, and rental fraud
Full report here