Nigerian police rescue romance fraud victim kidnapped and held by scammers for 16 months
- Fraudsters got her to travel to Lagos
- She is a retired civil servant from Washington, DC
- Took her for $48,000
- Crooks also took over her pension payments
- Suspect arrested
Supreme Court agrees to hear two cases on the FTC’s legal authority to combat fraud
Virus benefit theft
- Indiana: Mother and daughter arrested for money laundering; received fraudulently obtained unemployment benefits from Washington State, took a cut, and sent the rest to a third party
- Washington, DC: Criminal charges against Nigerian for fraudulent attempt to get small business loans; sought $400,000
- Louisville, Kentucky: DOJ sues to shut down web sites telling people they could preregister to get virus vaccine for $100 in bitcoin
- Prison for UK man that sold fake virus test kits worldwide
- 3M sues scammer that tried to sell Indiana $14 billion of masks he did not have; company has filed at least 17 other court cases over mask fraud
- Nigerian police and Interpol arrest three for fraud in online sales of masks, romance scams and other frauds; seize millions
- Bangladesh: Doctor arrested over fake virus tests