Online sellers in China use counterfeit postage to ship goods into the US for free; sell fake postage on social media

FBI and Secret Service have an operation “Level Up” that identifies crypto romance fraud victims and notifies them that they are involved; notified 4300 victims76% were not aware they were being scammed; 42 people put in touch with suicide prevention specialists

Text messages offering jobs. I’ve been getting quite a few of these. Who sends them?  They are frauds, and seem to be on the increase. Watch out, and warn your friends.

The great Google Ads heist: criminals ransack advertiser accounts

via fake Google ads.  “Online criminals are targeting individuals and businesses that advertise via Google Ads by phishing them for their credentials —ironically — fraudulent Google ads.

• The scheme consists of stealing as many advertiser accounts as possible by impersonating Google Ads and redirecting victims to fake login pages.”

• Advertisers are constantly trying to outbid each other to reach potential customers by buying ad space on the world’s number one search engine.

• We first started noticing suspicious activity related to Google accounts somewhat accidentally, and after a deeper look we were able to trace it back to malicious ads for… Google Ads itself! Very quickly we were overwhelmed by the onslaught of fraudulent “Sponsored” results, specifically designed to impersonate Google Ads, . . . • While it is hard to believe such a thing could actually happen, the proof is there when you click on the 3-dot menu that shows more information about the advertiser.”  (thanks to Judy Yates)

Full report here