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FTC reports US seniors lost $110 million to frauds where payment was made through Bitcoin ATM’s last year

  • Volume of reported losses grew tenfold since 2020
  • Reported losses $65 million first half of 2024
  • Two thirds of losses by those over 60
  • 88% of those who used Bitcoin ATM to send money to a scam involved tech support scams or impersonation of the government or a business
  • Number of machines in the US went from 4250 in January 2020 to 32,000 in June 2024

FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center issues warning that North Korean hackers are actively reaching out to employees of crypto sites; very sophisticated; learn about victims on social media and target them; may impersonate real contacts; may build “relationships” over time before providing innocuous attachments that contain malware

Full Report here