Did you know that there is a 1906 federal law that exempts interstate movers from state consumer protection laws?  This should be fixed.  As I detailed in my study for the BBB there are criminal gangs that advertise cheaper prices for moving services online, but after they load the goods on a truck they demand a lot more money.  And if they arrive when they say that will, they often demand still more, and drive off if people refuse to pay.  This is a major problem.  The 1906 Carmack Amendment may have made sense at one time, but has clearly long outlived its usefulness.  For more on the history of this see here.

Interpol announces global fraud crackdown “First Light”

  • Seize $257 million
  • 61 countries involved
  • 3950 arrested
  • Scams included tech support, BEC, law enforcement impersonation

Spain and Portugal take joint action against phone fraud gang which called, pretending to be bank, and then appeared at homes demanding credit and ATM cards; sometimes threatened violence and robbed homes as well;  54 arrested

Bob Sullivan: Crooks are now appearing IN PERSON to pick up money from scam victims

India: Police raid call center claiming to be US Marshalls and telling people that their Social Security Number had been compromised; 77 arrested FTC brings new case against $200 million free trial offer fraud